7. “Miss Disarray” – Gin Blossoms: An Artist A Week/A Song A Day – A History of Alternative Music

7. “Miss Disarray” – Gin Blossoms

(From the album No Chocolate Cake)


Gin Blossoms called it quits in 1997 and the various members went their separate ways to work on various projects. By 2002 however Gin Blossoms were back together and rehearsing in order to get back on the road and tour. However, the band’s old nemesis of alcoholism reared its ugly head again when drummer Phil Rhoades suffered an alcohol-related breakdown and entered rehab. Unwilling and/or unable to deal with this particular demon again after losing Doug Hopkins years earlier to his battle with alcohol, Rhoades was dismissed from the band. A series of drummers would play with the group moving forward before Gin Blossoms settled on Scott Hessell. Following their successful reunion tour the band began considering a return to the studio to work on a new album. Gin Blossoms took their time working on the new record but released Major Lodge Victory in 2006, a decade after their last album. Major Lodge Victory was not a commercial smash, but it did appeal to their core fans and gave the band a reason to hit the road again. These tours led to the live album Live In Concert in 2009.  2010 saw the release of their second post-reunion album, No Chocolate Cake, and the release of its lead single “Miss Disarray”. “Miss Disarray” found the sonic crossroad between the band’s slightly gloomy rock hits like “Found Out About You” and “Hey Jealousy” and their pretty, delicate ballads like “Til I Hear It From You” and met in the middle, giving the band a moderate hit. During this period Gin Blossoms would travel to Iraq to play a series of shows for the American troops stationed there before joining the 2012 Summerland Tour with others 90’s bands Everclear, Sugar Ray, Marcy Playground, and Lit. 2018 saw Gin Blossoms work with former R.E.M. producer Don Dixon and release the album Mixed Reality.

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